Sunday, May 24, 2015

The Beginning

The Beginning of Something New.

Recently, I am have thought a lot about having a hobby.  As I mature in age, I discover that my idols and mentors always had hobbies that they were able to turn to when their rare moments of free time came about.

I have been looking for a passion that can keep my interest and passion sustained for years to come. As it turns out, my passion is cinema.

Why do I say "cinema" instead of "movies"?  The short answer is that "Cinema" recalls the grand time of Hollywood and they days of studio contracts and premiers at the Chinese Theater.  My passion is not just about watching a movie, it's about going through an experience with film.

My expectations of a cinematic experience have changed drastically since the birth of our oldest son. Now with two young boys, my obsession with film needed a re-vamp and re-birth.  That is where this blog comes in.  I will be recording my cinematic experience that I have had as a father.  I will recount some that have already happened, and share more that will happen as I go forward.

So please come in; grab a seat and some refreshments and join me as I share some cinematic experiences from a certain point of view.