Saturday, June 27, 2015

Romeo + Juliet

Romeo + Juliet

I have seen many movies and I could begin this blog strictly with some classic such as Chinatown, Star Wars, or Casablanca; but I wanted to start with the first movie that happened to be next in line on my Netflix list.  It is a random movie.  Random is how I view movies as a dad.

First of all, let me tell you about the circumstances of my viewing.  Since I have a difficult time finding any time to watch films of my preference, I watched William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet in 3 pieces.  Most of my viewing was in the early morning hours and although I do not rate this film as a "classic", it does bring to my mind memories of my late pre-teen days when I was overcome with jealousy when my older sister's class took a field trip to watch Baz Luhrman's adaptation during the school day.

Romeo +Juliet pushed Leonardo Dicaprio into the forefront of the dreams of every teenage girl on the planet.  Before his Shakespearean portrayal, Dicaprio was the kid from What's Eating Gilbert Grape? that everyone thought was mentally handicapped due to his great performance.  After he resurrected the sonnet, he was a heartthrob that struggled to be taken seriously as an actor.

What Mr. Dicaprio has become 19 years later helps propel this film into my nostalgic category.  While I was watching this movie I thought about his performance and I felt that his acting got better as the movie continued on.  It was entertaining for me to see an Academy Award nominated actor at the genesis of what he was to become.  I might be watching The Aviator or Catch Me If You Can in the next couple months to remind me of his talent.

Aside from Dicaprio, this film is filled with really fascinating performances that were overshadowed by the media buzz around the two stars.  The Nurse, played by  is my favorite character in the film.  Her Hispanic accent helps to overcome the oddity that accompanies speaking in iambic pentameter.  She is passionate; her emotions are easily read and understood.  This helps to keeps the stakes raised as her ward, Juliet, faces a life and death dilemma of love over family.

Other performances that should be noted are  as Tybalt and   as Mercutio.  They are so committed to their characters that I would expect them to speak in couplets in all of their subsequent productions and in interviews.

William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet is a ride into a strange world of crime, eloquent language and custom cars.  This movie is an exercise in visual entertainment and cinematic experimentation.  

For the nostalgic and "out of this world" voyage is takes me on I give it 3.5/5 Stanley cups.

Viewing Period: two early mornings and one evening
Inspired me to: Look up the official soundtrack.  I found it.  I only like 2 songs and I bought                             those 2 songs.

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