Sunday, September 27, 2015

Six Days Seven Nights

Six Days Seven Nights

Does anyone else remember when this film came out?  I distinctly recall hearing a lot of hype about it.  There was a big deal made about the age gap between Harrison Ford and Anne Heche, but now, it seems a moot point considering that Harrison Ford is ageless.

When I was watching this film, I had to remember when it was made.  1998 was the peak of popularity for pop music like Britney Spears and Backstreet Boys.  It was the year when we forgot about steroids in sports and celebrated Mark McGuire and Sammy Sosa.  Cinematically, it was a year removed from Titanic and Spice World.  Needless to say, it was a different world.

As I remember it, 1998 was a year when Star Wars was back in the zeitgeist. It was a year after the "special edition" versions of the original trilogy were released and it was a year away from the highly anticipated new film (The Phantom Menace).  Harrison Ford was what people were talking about.  I think he had a bit of a renaissance of his early-80s hero-type roles, which I have no problem with.  For much of my childhood, Harrison for was my favorite actor even though I had only seen him in the Star Wars films and Raider of the Lost Ark.  I am very much a Ford fan.

I attempted to cut this film a lot of slack due to the aforementioned reasons, but I can still come to the conclusion that it is a silly film that could have been better. Here's how I would have made it better.

First of all, David Schwimmer is in this film.  There is no need to have David Schwimmer in a film unless he is lending his voice to an animated giraffe.

Second of all, without the discovery of the pirates, this could have been a cute little chick-flick with the lovers finding common ground while they work to get off of the island.  It would be like Hell in the Pacific, but without the racial tension.

Thirdly, This film could have become and adventure film with some romantic undertones.  This would be in the same genres of some classics like: The Star Wars Trilogy or The Indiana Jones Trilogy both trilogies just so happen to feature a charismatic actor named Harrison Ford.

When the pirates show up in this film I was excited for an adventurous romp with my childhood Cinematic hero, but this film only holds on to the action sequence a method of keeping you awake while the middle section of the film drags on.

It could have been great.  It could have been be good.  It could have been, but wasn't.

Final thought: the final dialogue seems to have been dubbed in afterward as a method to end the film in a comedic manner.  Lame.

By the way, why is it called Six Day, Seven Nights?  Vacations are usually six nights, seven days.  It doesn't make sense.

I categorize this film as:
A missed opportunity.
Full of potential.
2/5 Stanley Cups

Format: On my iPhone.  You can download it off of! 
Viewing Period: Many different time while I was in the gym at work on the bike or eliptical.
Inspired me to: Hate David Schwimmer.

1 comment:

  1. Mom and I went to this movie when it came out. I am not sure why but if I recall we saw it as a chance to see Harrison Ford do something new. Funny all I remember is an island and a plane Forgot about the pirates.
