Tuesday, October 13, 2015



Sometimes an idea sits and cannot find the traction that is needed to turn into a full feature-length film.  Other times, that same idea can be harvested and it is put on the big screen ahead of its time and it revolutionized what we expect from the cinema.  There is also a third thing that can happen.  It is possible that an idea is harvested in a timely manner and brought to fruition in a flurry of visual stimulation and effect only to leave the viewer with more questions than answers upon exiting the theatre.  I'm sure you can understand where I am coming from by now because I feel like Pan falls into the third category.

We went to see Pan on its opening weekend.  We went in with little knowledge of the film aside from the trailer that we saw a number of weeks prior.  I am a big fan of the Peter Pan-inspired film Hook from 25 years ago.  I enjoy the story.  I played John in a musical when I was 13.  The Peter Pan ride in Disneyland is the first Disney ride I ever rode.  Needless to say, I enjoy the tales of Neverland.

I really liked how Pan started.  It gave Peter an interesting origin and he starts off as an adventurous boy looking for a home to call his own.  I very much prefer that to Peter Pan in the Disney cartoon.  Peter in Pan was likable.  The film showed some magical elements that reminded me that I was watching a fantastical story, and I couldn't take anything too seriously.  I was all on board in the first 1/2 hr of the film.

Then the confusion came.

This is a bit of a spoiler, so consider yourself warned.

When the introduction of Blackbeard comes up, I was impressed by the character.  I am amazed that Mr. Sexy Australian, Hugh Jackman, was underneath the beard, wig and makeup.  Blackbeard is charismatic, evil and cruel.  He is an excellent villain searching for immortality.  Unfortunately for him, there was an artistic choice by the director that made me feel so confused.  The miners and pirates sing contemporary songs in Neverland.  This is nothing to be shocked at, but they only sang 2 contemporary songs.  They sing Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" brilliantly, and then come out with a rendition of "Blitzkrieg Bop" by The Ramones.   This would have been fine for me if only all of the songs in the film were done in the same manner.  That would bring some continuity to my brain and it would help me understand the world that I am watching.  Unfortunately, those 2 songs were the only contemporary songs in the film.  There is another song or two that is performed, but it was nothing that I recognized or remembered.  A part of me left the film at that point and just started enjoying the visual aspects of Pan.

That brings me to a major aspect of this film.  The world that is created by the artists in Pan is amazing.  We saw it in 3D and by the end of the film my eyes were actually aching due to the overwhelming stimuli in a beautiful-looking film.  This is something that I would like to emphasize.  Even though I was lost in the middle of the movie due to some creative choices, this should not diminish the great look of this film.  It is worth the watch just to experience the world that is created.  Seriously, rent it in a couple months when it comes out on DVD.

There was another item that bothered me with this film, but it was related to the fact that I was already out of the fantasy of this film so any additional magic was lost on me.

The acting was enjoyable.  I enjoyed all of the main actors and I think Levi Miller is excellent in his screen debut.  I feel bad saying anything bad about this film for his sake.  I look forward to his next project.

I categorize this film as:
Visually stunning.
Missed the mark.
2.5/5 Stanley Cups. 

Format: 3D in the Theatre
Viewing Period: All in one shot on a Saturday night.
Inspired me to: Watch Hook, a tried and tested Peter Pan film.


  1. Watch the 2003 film Peter Pan with Jason Issacs! It's my favorite. (even better than Hook).

  2. I think that one might be on Netflix. I totally forgot about that one.

    *nothing is better than Hook.


  3. We just watched Tomorrowland last night and would be interested to hear your thoughts on that one. We had one adjective to describe how we felt while watching it, but would like to see what you think.

    -Ryan and Cam
